IUSD schools continue to excel in the area of arts education through demonstrating outstanding student achievement and providing music access to all students. 
Plaza Vista K-8 School opened and dedicated its new music building as part of the District’s Measure E improvements.  Equipped with enhanced acoustics and a voice lift system, the features in this flexible learning space will enable both music instructors and students to better hear and refine the practicing of instruments.  Included is a Measure…
Woodbridge High School has placed third in the California Academic Decathlon! Fresh off winning its fifth Orange County Academic Decathlon in six years, the nine-member WHS squad finished the state-level contest to beat out all but two of 84 schools.  
Please see the following information regarding IUSD summer programs and registration deadlines.
IUSD's sustainability team is now accepting submissions through April 25  for the District's annual Earth Day student poster contest.  This year's theme is "Invest In Our Planet."
IUSD high school students traveled to Sacramento to discuss issues impacting education with state legislators and other influential policy makers.
After a two year hiatus, IUSD's  honors ensemble chorus and orchestra returned in-person for the annual Donald Bren Honors Concert.  As part of the celebration the Irvine Company presented IUSD with the latest $2M installment of their $45M commitment to IUSD students.  
Each year, IUSD teachers, classified staff and administrators work together to develop school calendars for the years ahead, for both traditional and year-round schools. IUSD would like feedback from our community before we finalize these calendars for the 2023-24 academic school year.
The CDPH issued revised quarantine and isolation protocols for schools , which is in conjunction with the state’s adoption of new indoor mask policies that move from requiring students, staff and visitors on school campuses to wear masks indoors to “strongly recommending” masks indoors.  This article also includes information about IUSD mitigation…
Today, Governor Newsom announced that due to declining COVID-19 case rates and decreased hospitalizations, the state will adopt new indoor mask policies, setting TK-12 school districts on a path for transitioning away from indoor mask mandates to allow for personal mask choice. In particular, the state will move from requiring students to wear…