On Wednesday, March 16, IUSD students from Creekside, Irvine, Northwood, Portola, University and Woodbridge high schools traveled to Sacramento to discuss issues impacting education with state legislators and other influential policy makers. IUSD Board Member Lauren Brooks, Superintendent Terry Walker, a several teachers, and PTA representatives accompanied the students.
The day began with a meeting with the Chief Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction Mary Nicely, followed a meeting with State Board of Education Staff. Next, students met with Assembly Member Steven Choi. After, they met with Erika Hoffman from the California School Board Association and later, students had a working lunch and informational meeting hosted by the California School Employees Association. The group rounded out the afternoon, by meeting with Kenneth Kapphahn from the California Legislative Analyst’s Office, Assembly Member Cottie Petrie-Norris, Assembly Member Patrick O’Donnell and several education lobbyists. Students also enjoyed a visit to the State Capitol.
In preparation for the trip, students met weekly for one month. During this time, they met with IUSD Board Members, Superintendent Walker, District leadership, PTA leaders and others to learn more about education issues and priorities, IUSD’s budget, the LCFF and LCAP, IUSD Legislative Priorities and to gain a better understanding of local and state governing.
Some of the topics students addressed during the trip included:
- While IUSD is one of the highest performing school districts in the state and nation, it is one of the lowest funded districts under that state’s LCFF and LCAP. Students discussed the need to close the $115M national and $63M state annual funding gaps for IUSD, including raising the LCFF base funding.
- Students also discussed the importance of moving away from categorical funding to give school districts, which have unique needs, more local funding control.
- Support for visual and performing arts.
- Financial literacy for students.
- How to increase and support family engagement.
- The importance of addressing staffing shortages and providing trainings for teachers among other topics.