As part of Earth Month this past April, IUSD’s Sustainability team held a poster contest, asking students to create a poster demonstrating the theme “Zero Waste Lunch.” Students focused on reducing, reusing and recycling through this creative process. 
This exercise, which simulated possible real wildfire conditions in Irvine, focused on response and mitigation planning, coordination and crisis communications during a possible large scale wildfire event.   
Today, IUSD announced its five 2019 Classified Employees of the Year – Christian Gregor, Dayna Pace, Klara Saunders, Sue Natalizio and Joshua Razo.
In addition to producing the most District champions, Sierra Vista continued its impressive record, producing the most state champions in California. Lakeside Middle School and University High School will also advance to the national competition.  
As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, IUSD joins millions throughout the country to raise awareness about this important topic. 
As part of Wildfire Preparedness Week, the District would like to remind our families to Stay Connected to IUSD during an emergency for updates and information in real time, 24/7.
This year, 52 IUSD employees are set to retire, collectively representing more than 1,000 years of service. 
U.S. News  & World Report released its latest ranking of the country's "Best High Schools" this week, and four of IUSD’s comprehensive campuses made the list.
Your input is critical to IUSD’s decision-making process and will help guide investments in the District’s priorities.
IUSD joins only four percent of school districts nationwide to receive the prestigious Best Communities for Music Education designation.