The state recently announced the end of California’s COVID-19 state of emergency. As a result, the California Department of Public Health and the Orange County Health Care Agency have updated public health orders. Please read this message for more information.
This article provides important reminders about traffic safety, COVID-19 protocols, staying connected to IUSD, Parent Portal, school safety, mental health and wellness resources, language support services, Community Liaisons, Irvine Parent Education Program, the Parent Center and free student meals.
After a two year hiatus, IUSD's honors ensemble chorus and orchestra returned in-person for the annual Donald Bren Honors Concert. As part of the celebration the Irvine Company presented IUSD with the latest $2M installment of their $45M commitment to IUSD students.
The CDPH issued revised quarantine and isolation protocols for schools , which is in conjunction with the state’s adoption of new indoor mask policies that move from requiring students, staff and visitors on school campuses to wear masks indoors to “strongly recommending” masks indoors. This article also includes information about IUSD mitigation…
Today, Governor Newsom announced that due to declining COVID-19 case rates and decreased hospitalizations, the state will adopt new indoor mask policies, setting TK-12 school districts on a path for transitioning away from indoor mask mandates to allow for personal mask choice. In particular, the state will move from requiring students to wear…
The Irvine Unified School District is happy to announce upcoming dates for 2022 summer programs. The programs include a K-12 Summer Learning Recovery Academy, Acceleration and Enrichment courses for high school students and Middle School Math Bridge, K-6 English Learner (EL) Learning Recovery Academy, and Special Education Extended School Year (…
IUSD students in grades 6-12 participated in the District’s 41st annual virtual Science Fair and presented an impressive array of projects. IUSD will advance 143 students to the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair in March and 28 IUSD students will advance to the 2022 Broadcom MASTERS.
IUSD will host a virtual Pre-Kindergarten (TK) Parent Information meeting on February 24 from 6-7 p.m. via Zoom.
IUSD's College and Career Fair is tonight , February 17 from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Registration is free and the event is open to middle and high school students. More than 150 colleges and universities will be represented and the fair will feature interactive panels, workshops and more.
The IUSD Board of Education will not take action related to the state’s mask mandates for schools during the February 16 Board Meeting and as a reminder, California’s current indoor mask requirements for TK-12 schools remain in place.