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Approximately 16,000 of the nation’s best and brightest high school seniors have been named semifinalists in the pursuit of scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Corp. – and 83 of them attend schools right here in Irvine.

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As noted this week in USA Today and Education Week, SAT scores in 2010 remained relatively flat across the country when compared

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The California Department of Education has released the latest results of its annual Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) program, and, once again, students in the Irvine Unified School District continue to post impressive stats in core subjects.

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The Irvine Public Schools Foundation says tickets for its inaugural gala are selling briskly, and corporate sponsorships for the event are still available.  The Spirit of Excellence Gala and Auction, which will be held on Friday, Sept.

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In May, the City of Irvine generated headlines when it offered to kick in more than $875,000 through a challenge grant to help ease the impacts of larger class sizes in IUSD – the latter coming a

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Once again, all schools in the Irvine Unified School District will be closed on Monday, June 14, and Tuesday, June 15, to accommodate districtwide furlough days.

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It was impressive enough that a pair of Bonita Canyon Elementary School sixth-graders traveled to the California State Science Fair in Los Angeles last week and placed first and third in their respective categories.

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At least a few investors still know how to make money in the stock market.

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It’s being billed as the largest concert fundraiser in the history of Irvine’s public schools.

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A number of altruistic acts have been quietly occurring around the Irvine Unified School District. At South Lake Middle School, a group of students drafted geology textbooks for children in Uganda. Deerfield Elementary kids spent time with residents of a local senior center.