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For years, Cox Communications subscribers in Irvine have been able to watch live Board of Education meetings, check out some original IUSD programming and view informational slides by tuning in to the district’s cable station on channel 39.

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BY TERRY L. WALKER, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS The most sweeping educational reform of the nation’s public schools is on its way, and it happens to align nicely with the direction the Irvine Unified School District is already heading.

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Students at Westpark Elementary School received a pretty big surprise this week.

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First came the district's elementary, middle and

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Parents of third-graders enrolled in the fourth-grade APAAS program for the fall are invited to attend a special APAAS Math Night on Thursday, May 9.

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  We've got big news this morning out of Plaza Vista School, where Scott Bedley has just been named one of five Orange County Teachers of the Year.

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All four of IUSD's comprehensive high schools were recently recognized among the nation's best by U.S. News & World Report.

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Two years after introducing a new districtwide homework policy, IUSD is encouraging students, parents and teachers to weigh in on the policy’s impact by taking brief online surveys.