IUSD recently received the Leroy F. Greene Design & Planning Award of Honor to recognize Solis Park K-8 School for its innovative design elements and flexible and collaborative learning environments.

Now in its 52nd year, Earth Day is an opportunity to reflect on environmental awareness, education and sustainability efforts to reduce pollution and waste for a healthier, cleaner environment.

From energy efficiency to recycling, IUSD and our Sustainability Team are dedicated to making our schools and facilities more eco-friendly and sustainable, while educating students and staff about how their daily activities impact the environment.
Last week IUSD students and schools celebrated Earth Day, Read a Book to a Pet Day and World Book Day, while continuing distance learning, engaging in school spirit activities, and sharing important resources and information.
From energy efficiency to recycling, IUSD and our Sustainability Team are dedicated to making our schools and facilities more eco-friendly and sustainable, while educating students and staff.
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The City of Irvine is hosting a unique educational opportunity -- one that happens to align nicely with IUSD's recent solar initiative.

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The Board of Education on Tuesday discussed how best to use $5.8 million in available state funding for the implementation of the California Common Core instructional standards.

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Good afternoon. Here’s a Friday roundup of some recent IUSD-related stories you might have missed from the Orange County Register’s website:

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The IUSD Board of Education voted Tuesday to move forward with a study designed to determine the feasibility of a technology bond.
