IUSD 2020-21 Academic Models and Selection Process

IUSD 2020-21 Academic Models and Selection Process

Important: academic model selection is needed for each student by July 19.
Information and process described here.

IUSD remains committed to the safety, health, and wellbeing of our students, staff and families and to providing educational equity and excellence for our more than 36,000 students. The challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic remind us, each day, of the importance of this collective commitment. To that end, last night, the Board of Education made the critically important decision to approve the academic models for the 2020-21 school year.

The Board also voted to require face coverings/masks at all times on IUSD campuses and in classrooms for all staff, students, and visitors. Face coverings/masks may only be removed when maintaining physical distancing of six feet or more and at the direction of a teacher or other staff, or when drinking, eating, or participating in recess/physical activity. Persons with a medical or mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering may be exempt per state guidelines. Click here to read more.

The academic models outlined below are aligned with state and local guidelines for schools and designed to meet the interests of our students, staff and families. School principals will provide information with directions for families to make their academic model selection. You will have today, July 15, through Sunday, July 19 to make your selection, please check your email for this important communication.

Elementary Schools (TK-6):

  • IUSD Virtual Academy, hybrid, TK/K and traditional models.

Middle and High Schools (Includes 6-8 grade students at K-8 schools):

  • IUSD Virtual Academy, hybrid, and blended program (grades 9-12 only) models.

Special Education:

  • Elementary: IUSD Virtual Academy, hybrid and traditional models.
  • Secondary: IUSD Virtual Academy, hybrid and blended learning (9-12). Traditional model is only available for Moderate/Severe programming and Autism Specific Programming.
  • Pre-K Early Childhood Learning Center and Irvine Adult Transition Program: IUSD Virtual Academy, hybrid and traditional models.

Click here for more details about IUSD’s academic models for the 2020-21 school year.

Additional Resources:

Click here to access the Planning FAQ and the 2020-21 Opening and Safety Planning resource page for a wide range of information that can support your decision-making process.

Thank you for your engagement and partnership.