Today, Governor Newsom announced that due to declining COVID-19 case rates and decreased hospitalizations, the state will adopt new indoor mask policies, setting TK-12 school districts on a path for transitioning away from indoor mask mandates to allow for personal mask choice. In particular, the state will move from requiring students to wear…
IUSD's  interactive LCAP process is designed to help the District take action on identified goals and priorities, and measure progress on student academic achievement, school climate and parent engagement. Your input is critical to IUSD’s decision-making process and will help guide investments in the District’s priorities.  
IUSD students in grades 6-12 participated in the District’s 41st annual virtual Science Fair and presented an impressive array of projects.  IUSD will advance 143 students to the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair in March and 28 IUSD students will advance to the 2022 Broadcom MASTERS.
The IUSD Board of Education will not take action related to the state’s mask mandates for schools during the February 16 Board Meeting and as a reminder, California’s current indoor mask requirements for TK-12 schools remain in place.
Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, announced that the state will reassess changes to California’s indoor mask requirements for schools in two weeks, on February 28, citing falling case rates and hospitalizations across California and the nation.
Orange County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau sent a letter to the California Department of Public Health to propose using hospitalization rates and ICU capacities as the basis for making mask mandate decisions impacting schools. 
Earlier this week, state officials confirmed that although California’s temporary mask mandate for indoor public spaces will expire after Feb. 15, face-covering mandates for TK-12 schools remain in place.  The state's guidance for TK-12 schools, issued in July 2021, requires students, staff and visitors on school campuses to wear face coverings…
As part of National School Counseling Week, IUSD is celebrating and highlighting the important work of our school counselors.  Thank you for your leadership, dedication, advocacy and support for our students! 
Please see this article for reminders and information about free COVID-19 testing resources for IUSD students and staff.
IUSD would like to encourage our community to take the Annual Survey.  Your responses are critical in providing feedback about school climate and where resources are focused through the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) process.