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Dozens of district administrators and all five school board members spent some time on Friday shadowing custodians, electricians, painters, clerks and other classified workers during IUSD’s sixth annual Appreciating Classified Employees Day. (Or ACE Day for short.)

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Students at Westpark Elementary School received a pretty big surprise this week.

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You may remember that in February IUSD announced its Elementary, Middle and High school Teachers of the Year. Well, today's the day the district does the same for classified employees.

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The 2016-17 school funding survey, which is part of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process closes Monday, May 16.  If you haven’t already, please take a moment to participate in this survey.

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Parents of third-graders enrolled in the fourth-grade APAAS program for the fall are invited to attend a special APAAS Math Night on Thursday, May 9.

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  We've got big news this morning out of Plaza Vista School, where Scott Bedley has just been named one of five Orange County Teachers of the Year.