Irvine schools celebrate Read Across America Day with special guests and their favorite books

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A handful of IUSD elementary schools invited a cast of special guests to read their favorite children’s books on March 3, officially celebrated as Read Across America Day.

Established by the National Education Association, Read Across America Day is an annual literacy campaign that calls for every child in every community to celebrate reading on the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel -- better known to kids as Dr. Seuss.

Local guest readers included Board of Education member Paul Bokota (pictured above), who read to students at Northwood Elementary School; Irvine Mayor Steven Choi, who visited Springbrook Elementary School; and Superintendent Terry Walker, who read at Culverdale Elementary.

Bokota, the board member, read a book called "The Perfect Pet" to third-graders, who naturally broke into a discussion about their own pets.

"I asked them who had a pet," he said, "and we literally spent the next 20 minutes discussing dogs, cats, snakes, hamsters, fish, parrots, parakeets and every other pet imaginable. I stayed afterwards and spoke with more of the kids about their pets. It was a great experience."