We may be in the thick of cold and flu season, but there are some proven ways you can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses.
IUSD, in partnership with Hoag Hospital, will host a Substance Use and Vaping Dangers parent night on February 4 in the Irvine High School Theater from 6:30-8 p.m.
Your responses are critical in providing feedback about school climate and where resources are focused through the LCAP process. 
During the December 17 Irvine Unified School District Board of Education Meeting, the Board selected a new president and clerk, which are one-year terms.
IUSD is participating in Computer Science Week, which is designed to inspire students to learn how to code, develop computer science skills, and to be prepared for the digital economy.
Recognizing the importance of an accurate count for schools and communities, IUSD is among many organizations supporting awareness efforts in Irvine, in advance of the 2020 Census this April.  Read this article to learn more about why the Census matters.
Join IUSD and the Orange County Department of Education for a Vaping Prevention Workshop for Parents on Tuesday, December 6 at the Learning Center (3387 Barranca, Irvine 92606).
Message and video from Superintendent Walker thanking the IUSD community for it's support and commitment to our more than 36,000 students.  
Newsweek and STEM.org, released their ranking of the top 500 STEM high schools in the United States, which included both Northwood and University high schools.
Every year IUSD hosts a FREE series of informational meetings for parents/guardians of IUSD students.  The next meetings are focused on IUSD curricular programs, including visial and performing arts, math and science, and blended learning.