Your Voice Matters: We Want to Know About Your Child’s Learning Experiences

Annual Survey Feedback Wanted

IUSD believes that every parent's voice is important and that your input plays a crucial role in your students’ education. Each January, the District asks parents and guardians to participate in the Annual Survey. Your Annual Survey responses are critical in providing feedback about school climate and where funding and resources are focused through the LCAP process.

Annual Survey (January 2024)
The Annual Survey tells us what is important to our families. It helps us better understand the needs and concerns of our families and school communities and is used to inform decisions that affect our students' education.

Your feedback is essential in helping the District identify areas where we are excelling and areas where we need to improve.  Topics include parent/guardian engagement, the teaching and learning environment at your child’s school, bullying, homework, student stress levels, school climate, and your child’s overall educational experience, among other topics.

The Annual Survey will be sent to families starting in January and will be available in multiple languages.  Survey responses are anonymous and it only takes a few minutes to complete.

Why Your Feedback Matters
Parent/Guardian-Centered Decision Making: IUSD is committed to making decisions that reflect the needs and expectations of our parents. By participating in the Annual Survey, you can have a direct voice in the planning and funding of the District’s goals and priorities.

Transparency and Accountability: This interactive process helps IUSD identify annual goals, take action on those goals, and measure progress on academic achievement, school climate and parent engagement as part of the 10-month LCAP process. It allows us to align our budget and educational goals while being accountable to our community.

Improved Student Outcomes: By understanding your concerns and priorities, we can make more informed decisions that lead to improved student outcomes. Your input helps us identify areas that are important for providing students the highest quality educational experience we can envision.

How We Use Your Feedback
Once the survey is complete, the data is carefully analyzed, and the results are used to guide our decision-making processes and the LCAP process. It helps enable us to set priorities, resource allocation, program development and is a vital way for us to incorporate parent/guardian voice. 

How to Participate
Participating is easy, and we encourage every parent to take part. Keep an eye out for emails and notifications from IUSD, which will provide you with information about both the Annual Survey and the LCAP.  Your feedback is anonymous and confidential.  Information will be provided in multiple languages.

By taking a few minutes to participate, you can help us shape the educational experiences of current and future generations of IUSD students. Your voice matters, and we are committed to listening and responding to your concerns and priorities.