Superintendent’s Message: The Importance of Forming Connections     

Terry Walker

Throughout this school year, you will continue to receive a variety of communications and information from IUSD and our schools about the attitudes, skills and knowledge our students need to be college and career ready and to build resiliency, adaptability and confidence so they may achieve their full potential.  In this month’s message, the focus is on the importance of forming connections with family, friends, school, the District and our community. 

We know that nutrition, sleep, exercise and mental health are integral to overall student wellbeing but equally important is building strong connections, which can have academic, social-emotional, safety and health benefits. The District and our schools support these vital connections in a variety of ways.  Below is a snapshot of what we are doing to foster connections with the IUSD community and how students and families can access supports and resources.     

Connect with your School

If you or your student have questions or need a referral to resources, then please start with your school.  They know you and your student best and have people and supports in place to meet the unique needs of each school community. Our teachers are highly trained and able to help connect students and families with the appropriate staff and supports when needed. Your school counselors, psychologists and other mental health staff are also excellent resources. As the leaders of your school, principals, assistant principals and the school site team work around the clock to support students, staff and their communities. Below are links to help connect you to staff at your schools.    

Connect with IUSD

IUSD offers a wide range of information, supports and services.  We encourage you to regularly visit our website at, where we provide links to parent, student and community resources and detailed information related to every IUSD department.

To stay in the know, regularly visit our News Center.  We currently have information about school and District news, parent education workshops, our new Mindful Mondays video series, a CDPH health alert related to “Rainbow” fentanyl, IUSD’s new Parent Center, WellSpaces for students, the State of the District, along with many other happenings and news. 

Stay Connected through School and District Communications

Throughout the year, you will receive communications from your school and the District.  Remember that staying connected to your school and IUSD is as easy as 1, 2, 3.  When looking for information, check:

1.  Your email, text messages and voicemail and/or the ParentSquare app. 

2. Your school’s website and/or

3. School and District social media sites (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter)

Through these communication channels, both the District and our schools, regularly communicate a range of important information along with emergency related communications. These are your best sources for official and accurate information about the District and our schools. If you have questions or you hear something in the community that does not sound right, please contact your school and/or the District. 

In our October IUSD Insights, you will see a digest of the many different stories, resources, investments and supports IUSD offers. We hope you’ll take a moment to review this information and stay connected with us.

Build Social Wellness and Connections with Family and Friends

Staying connected to family, friends and community is critical for social and emotional wellness. In fact, research shows that living in isolation is as bad for your health as smoking or high blood pressure.

Below are some examples of ways to connect with others and to help form new bonds that we recently posted in a
Social Wellness article over the summer:

  • Take classes or choose a hobby – Two great options include the Irvine Public Schools Foundation enrichment classes and programs that are offered year round for IUSD students and there is also City of Irvine classes and activities, which provide a wide range of opportunities to pick-up a hobby or to connect with friends and community members. 
  • Get out and enjoy the many parks and open spaces in Irvine 
  • Call friends and family to check in and catch up
  • Have a family game night or group movie night
  • Volunteer
  • Schedule playdates
  • Take a walk with friends, family or your family pet.  Group exercise classes are also a great way to meet new people and stay healthy
  • Join the PTA
  • Become or support room parents

During the school year, there are several opportunities for students to join clubs and participate in school activities and events.  Please check for communications from your schools, the PTA and IPSF throughout the year.  Also, visit our Prevention and Intervention resource page for mental health, wellness and self-care information and resources at or see our School Counseling page at

By nurturing relationships, we can help create a connected community and support positive mental health and wellness for our students and families.     

Join Us for the State of the District and Connect to District Priorities  

Finally, in addition to the resources above, another great way to learn about IUSD priorities, needs, challenges, and successes is to come to our State of the District presentation on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Woodbridge High School in the new Performing Arts Center. During this presentation, I will share information about how our commitment to continuous improvement is at the heart of our promise to provide the highest quality educational experience we can envision.

This event is free and open to the public. However, reservations are required to ensure adequate seating. Please click here for tickets and for more information.  

Thank you for your continued partnership and support. We look forward to connecting with you throughout the year.




Terry L. Walker
Superintendent of Schools
Irvine Unified School District