Mindful Monday: Finding Moments of Joy

Mindful Monday Dec. 19 Finding Moments of Joy

In our last Mindful Monday of 2022, Superintendent Walker, joined by his dog Finn and IUSD animal friends, highlights the importance of finding moments of joy.  There are many lessons we can learn from animals, who remind us to stay in the present and to find joy in the moment, which is what we hope you will do this winter break.  Whether it’s spending time with family and friends, or doing something you love – and of course spending time with an animal friend in your life – best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!

To view all Mindful Monday videos, visit iusd.org/MindfulMondays

Mindful Monday Dec. 19 Finding Moments of Joy









Thank you to our special animal friends in order of appearance:

Title Slide: Lulu, Duffy, Kona, Magellan, Robert and Ferdinand (sheep), Piper, and Eddy.

Video: Butters, Chasey, Marvin, Alan, Sierra and Raven, Stella, Nugget, Mr. Pickles, Stella and Pheobe, Sheldon, Montgomery J. Biscuits “Monty”, Bailey, Sunshine, Duffy, Deeks, Ally, Olive, Walter, Barney, Goose, and Finn.