Mindful Monday: Celebrate Your Progress

Mindful Monday Celebrate Your Progress

In this week’s Mindful Monday, Ulises Garcia, Coordinator of College and Career Readiness, focuses on the importance of celebrating small achievements along the way to achieving larger goals.  When we simply look at accomplishing the end goal, it can feel overwhelming or out of reach.  Breaking down tasks and projects into steps and recognizing our progress not only fosters self-confidence, resiliency and overall success but it can lower stress and serve as a powerful motivator for students.   

This week, stop to think about three wins, big or small, and celebrate your progress! You can do this by:

  • Be in the moment and identify your win(s)
  • Get excited about your progress
  • Share your wins with family or friends
  • Use the positivity of your progress to propel you to the next step or goal
Mindful Monday Celebrate Your Progress








Additional Resources: Mindful Monday videos, School Counselors webpage and the Prevent and Intervention Department.