Local schools help propel Irvine to No. 5 on new list of America's best cities

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The latest list of America's top cities has Irvine at No. 5, citing in part the quality of local schools. In fact, the report says, Irvine "has the best schools among the cities on our list." Businessweek.com's first foray into municipal rankings came out earlier this week with Raleigh, N.C., at the top of its "Best Cities" breakdown, followed by Arlington, Va., Honolulu and Scottsdale, Ariz. Holding down the fifth spot is Irvine, which is credited with a high median income and a large percentage of college-educated residents. "Further, the area has the best schools among the cities on our list," the publication says, and who are we to argue? "In short, it's a splendid place to settle down." Businessweek.com says it spent months looking at a range of data on everything from school performance and green space to crime rates and cultural amenities. To check out Irvine's statistics, click here.