IUSD continues to seek feedback for Local Control and Accountability Plan

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IUSD would like to know what you think about the new three-year accountability plan and seeks your input on future actions to improve student achievement.

As mentioned in previous posts, California’s new funding model for K-12 education requires every school district and county office of education to develop, adopt and annually update a three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) with input from parents, students, and other key stakeholders. Districts will use these plans to identify yearly goals, take action and measure progress for student subgroups across multiple performance indicators, including academic achievement, school climate, access to a broad curriculum and parent engagement. IUSD’s LCAP isn’t due to the county until July 1, but you can get an overview by checking out this slide presentation from the Board of Education’s November 18, 2014 meeting and you can access the latest draft of the plan by clicking here. Parents, students, district employees and community members are encouraged to review Irvine’s LCAP and submit feedback by way of this online input form before the plan is adopted in June. This is an important part of the process for budgeting and setting priorities for the district. Please take the time to share your thoughts.