Did you know that IUSD schools use Annual Survey responses to help meet the needs of your school community? Please take a moment to share your voice by Friday, February 2.
The District’s Annual Survey is open through Friday, February 2. Feedback and responses play a vital role in developing a roadmap for success to enhance educational experiences within the District.
IUSD's  interactive LCAP process is designed to help the District take action on identified goals and priorities, and measure progress on student academic achievement, school climate and parent engagement. Your input is critical to IUSD’s decision-making process and will help guide investments in the District’s priorities.  
IUSD would like to encourage our community to take the Annual Survey.  Your responses are critical in providing feedback about school climate and where resources are focused through the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) process. 
Yesterday on Tuesday, March 10, IUSD students from Creekside, Irvine, Portola, University and Woodbridge high schools traveled to Sacramento to discuss issues impacting education with state legislators and other influential policy makers. IUSD Board Members Lauren Brooks and Sharon Wallin, a handful of teachers, and PTA representatives accompanied…
Your input is critical to IUSD’s decision-making process and will help guide investments in the District’s priorities.
Students from Creekside, Irvine, Northwood, Portola, University and Woodbridge high schools, traveled to Sacramento to discuss issues impacting education with state legislators and other influential policymakers.
Superintendent Walker's message highlights District priorities and provides information about IUSD's intentional and strategic investments to maximize student learning at the highest levels.
The Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) would like to encourage parent and student participation in the 2018-19 school funding survey, which is part of the 10-month LCAP process. 
IUSD wants your feedback on the Annual Survey, which closes Thursday, February 15.