IUSD Calendars Survey for 2024-2025 School Year

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Each year, IUSD teachers, classified staff and administrators work together to develop school calendars for the years ahead, for both traditional and year-round schools. While instruction and learning are the primary considerations, this group also considers past history, tradition and feedback from the community. IUSD would like your feedback before we finalize these calendars for 2024-25 academic school year.

  • Year-Round School Calendar 2024-25The draft calendar for year-round schools in 2024-25 is modeled on past calendars which provide an instructional model that groups instruction into roughly 9-week blocks with 3-week intercession breaks in fall and winter, and a two-week intercession in spring and provides 180 days of instruction. This model is maintained for 2024-25. IUSD is one of two school districts in Orange County with a year-round calendar option for families. 
  • Traditional School Year Calendar 2024-25 – The draft calendar for traditional schools in 2024-25 proposes a week-long break at Thanksgiving. This is a change from past calendars and is based on input from families and staff during previous calendar surveys and discussions.  This draft calendar maintains 180 days of instruction by moving two instructional days from Thanksgiving week to the first week of the traditional school year.  This aligns the Thanksgiving holiday in IUSD with other school districts in south Orange County.

The survey is open through Friday, May 5. To take the survey now, click here

To view previous calendars, which are finalized, click here.