IPSF secures grant funding for Irvine schools from Google and Montessori International

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The Irvine Public Schools Foundation recently announced that it's received grants from both Google, Inc. and Montessori International to provide additional educational opportunities for Irvine students.

Google’s contribution will help the foundation secure science materials and supplies for middle and high school students, while funds from Montessori International will bolster three key IPSF initiatives, including a web-based college counseling program in middle and high schools. “We are honored to welcome Google, Inc. and Montessori International as our newest corporate partners,” said foundation CEO Neda Zaengle.  “Their generous grants to IPSF will make a difference to the over 27,000 students in IUSD.”  You can read more by accessing IPSF’s press release (PDF), or click here to read the story in the Daily Pilot.