Fun Activities to Prevent Loss of Learning Over the Summer

Father and daughter reading on the beach

After a long school year, children can certainly benefit from rest and relaxation, but it’s also important to prevent the loss of learning over the summer.  With that in mind, below are five fun ways to ensure young minds stay sharp over the summer. 

-Visit your local library. Reading builds comprehension and vocabulary skills.  The library offers a wide selection of genres and resources, so you’ll find something for everyone.  They also offer recommended summer reading lists by grade level. 

-Enroll in an educational summer program. The City of Irvine and the Irvine Public Schools Foundation offer affordable summer camps and lessons that include everything from sports and the arts to coding and robotics.  For more information, visit and

-Use technology to reinforce skills in reading, math and writing. There is no shortage of educational websites and apps that can benefit a student’s literacy, numeracy and creativity. Sites like Khan Academy, provide engaging grade-level lessons along with an effective SAT practice program for high school students thinking about college.

-Write about your summer.  Another fun way to encourage reading and writing is to have your child write letters, emails or postcards to friends about their summer vacation or break.  You can also have your child create a Google Slide or PowerPoint presentation, in which they can add photos from the summer break and write about their activities and memories.  These can be shared with friends and family and make a great digital journal for your family to keep and to remember the summer.

-Discover hobbies or interests. Begin by having a conversation with your children about the subjects and activities that interest them. An extended break from school allows parents and children the freedom to explore topics they may not have had time for during the school year. From making videos to planting a garden, hands-on learning opportunities abound.

Have a fun and safe summer!
