Face-Covering Update


Dear IUSD Community,

Earlier this week, state officials confirmed that although California’s temporary mask mandate for indoor public spaces will expire after Feb. 15, face-covering mandates for TK-12 schools remain in place. This temporary mandate, initiated by state officials in December amid the fast-spreading Omicron variant, is separate from the state's guidance for TK-12 schools that was issued in July 2021 and requires students, staff and visitors on school campuses to wear face coverings while indoors.  Face coverings are not required outdoors.    

State Officials to Assess Requirements for Schools

California has not yet identified a date for easing school-based face-covering requirements and other protocols.  However, in a February 7 statement, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) said, “The state is continuing to work with education, public health and community leaders to update masking requirements at schools to adapt to changing conditions and ensure the safety of kids, teachers and staff.” 

IUSD Will Adapt As Warranted by Health and Safety Guidelines

IUSD will continue to work with the Orange County Health Care Agency and the Orange County Department of Education as they collaborate with state officials related to requirements for schools. Since the onset of COVID-19, IUSD has followed state and local health and safety guidelines.  Our District will continue to adapt as warranted by the guidelines, while monitoring local conditions. 

Safely Providing High-Quality Education Remains our Priority

The health and safety of our students, staff and families remains our priority as we focus on providing the highest quality educational experience we can envision for our more than 36,000 students.  We thank our community for its partnership, understanding and continued vigilance, all of which have helped to prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19. 

As we have new information, we will keep our community informed.  In the meantime, please visit iusd.org/COVID-19 for updates, resources, information and links to expert health agencies. 

IUSD Communications