Eastshore Elementary students make a splash following PTA's record-setting fundraisier

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This probably wasn’t mentioned in the job description for principal at Eastshore Elementary School. But there sat Lisa Kadam, perched on a plank over a small tub of water as yellow softballs were lobbed to her left. And then it happened. Splash! Actually, Principal Kadam couldn’t have been more pleased to be submerged in a dunk tank on the playground Friday. It was a warm day after all, and, more important, it meant Eastshore’s students and their families had successfully met their goal in a recent PTA Jog-a-thon fundraiser. The school set a record by netting more than $33,000 to help the PTA pay for things like assemblies, health clerks and computers. Kadam said there were a number of lesser goals leading up to the $30,000 mark. But the kids raised that and more after she and a handful of teachers pledged to climb in the tank. They also promised a BMX bike show, which is coming. On Friday, students who won awards for showing the most school spirit were the ones who got to do the dunking by hurling softballs at a metal trigger. The others cheered them on, squealing with every splash. Beforehand, the towel-toting Kadam didn’t seem too nervous about getting wet. Maybe that’s because she had to kiss a pig after last year's successful Jog-a-thon. “This is easy,” she said. “It’s better than getting slimed or becoming a sundae.” Meanwhile, at least one sixth-grade teacher went on offense when it was his turn in the tank. The renowned Bill Brooks casually blasted one would-be water assassin with his own squirt cannon. But then, later on, this happened. (Click below to enlarge.)
