May 19-25 is Classified School Employee Appreciation Week! IUSD would like to take this opportunity to thank our more than 2,000 classified employees for their unwavering dedication and care for our students and families.
Classified employees work side-by-side with administrators, teachers and staff, making it possible for our district to maintain operations and to continue serving our students, families and staff. Classified employees include custodians, para-educators, media technicians, food services staff members, analysts, secretaries, bus drivers, maintenance technicians, clerks, and other non-certificated staff members. Most are represented by the California School Employees Association (CSEA).
While many classified employees work behind the scenes, IUSD fully recognizes and appreciates the importance of all of our classified employees’ work. Education is a vital service that is at the heart of our community and classified employees are essential in helping IUSD provide the the highest quality educational experience we can envision for all of our more than 38,000 students.
Show your appreciation for the classified employees who have made a difference in your life with a high-five, a heartfelt note, or an extra "thank you" this week. Happy Classified School Employee Appreciation Week, and thank you for everything you do for IUSD!