This Resource Guide provides immigration information for families, schools, and community members from the State of California and the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE). Also included are related IUSD Board Policies and Administrative Regulations. Content will be updated as new information becomes available. IUSD is committed to fostering safe and welcoming learning environments for our more than 38,000 students and their families, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, country of origin, or immigration status, in accordance with the law and IUSD Board Policies. Immigration and California Families Resources

Californians may have questions about public programs, their families' mixed immigration status, or what federal immigration policies mean for their daily lives. State resources can help answer those questions for families and groups that engage with immigrant families, such as schools, local governments, and community organizations. Learn more.
Additional Resources from the California Attorney General's Office
Orange County Department of Education Immigration Resources

In response to potential changes to federal immigration policies, California leaders have reiterated their commitment to ensuring that all students, including those from immigrant families, have access to a safe and supportive education. This commitment has been outlined through legal protections and practical resources to assist schools and families. Learn more.
IUSD Board Policies and Administrative Regulations
The following Board Policies and Administrative Regulations are in accordance with California state laws.