Administrator Induction Program


Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) believes strongly in developing novice administrators by providing an experienced mentor and an induction program to support and guide them through the early stages of their careers. IUSD enrolls new administrators into the ASC Clear Induction Program within 120 days of being hired into an administrative role. An experienced mentor administrator, also known as an Support Provider Administrative Coach, will begin coaching and mentoring the Participating Administrator within 30 days of enrollment. Criteria for the Support Provider Administrative Coach match includes, but is not limited to, having a similar administrative position and/or experience.

The design of the program is based on a sound rationale informed by theory and research, is primarily coaching-based, and includes personalized learning.

The Induction Learning Cycle (ILC) is guided by 4 Essential Questions:

  1. What do we want new administrators to know and be able to do?
  2. How will new administrators demonstrate progress towards mastery of the CPSELs?
  3. How will we provide "just in time" support and long-term guidance to enrich the learning of all new administrators?
  4. How can we use the evidence of new administrator growth and efficacy to drive our individual and collective practice?

All documents can be found in the Participating Administrator's or Coach's Google Classroom.

Administrator Induction Resources






Administrator Induction FAQ

1. Who qualifies for the Administrative Services Credential Program?

 Participating Administrators must:

  • Hold a California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential or Certificate of Eligibility 
  • Currently be assigned an administrative position which requires an Administrative Services Credential 
  • Must be employed as IUSD or private school administrators

The Induction office will verify these requirements upon enrollment.


2. What does the ASC Program Entail?

The ASC Induction Program occurs over the course of 2 years. During this time you will be matched with an experienced IUSD mentor administrator (Administrative Coach) who provides:

  • Weekly Communication
  • Ongoing Support & Resources

In addition, you will attend: 

  • Program Orientation
  • Monthly Meetings tailored to the needs of new administrators led by current IUSD administrators 
  • Mid-year Triad and a Final Review with the Director of Human Resources and Induction as well as your Coach

In order to complete the program you must:

Schedule is posted on Google Classroom and IUSD’s Induction Website


3. How do I successfully complete the ASC Program and earn a Clear Administrative Credential?

To complete the program you must:

  • Have two years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position
  • Successfully complete your IIP each year
  • Complete CPSEL evidence collection each year

Once you have completed these requirements, the Induction Office will recommend you for your Clear Credential.

4. What do I do if I have a concern with a component of the Administrator Services Induction Program?

Occasionally, an Administrative Coach and Participating Administrator  match is not the right fit for one of the participants. If either the Coach or Participating Administrator believe this is the case, please reach out to the Induction Office by email. Once we are notified, we will set up a time to meet with the participant. If there is not a resolution in which the pairing can continue, we will work with the Participating Administrator or Coach to pair the Participating Administrator up with another Coach. We will maintain confidentiality throughout the process. If a Coach resigns, retires, goes on a Leave of Absence, or is unable to continue supporting the candidate, the Participating Administrator will be notified and reassigned to a new Coach. 


If you have concerns with another component of the Induction program (completion requirements, etc.) you may complete this form and appropriate steps will be taken to resolve your concern. We will do our best to understand and address your concern while also meeting the CTC requirements for clearing your administrative credential.


Please call us if you have any questions regarding our Administrator Induction Program: 949-936-5151
