Teacher Induction Program

We evaluate the IUSD Induction program’s effects on new teachers’ progress towards mastery of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession by focusing on evidence of student learning and development of enduring professional skills.  In Irvine Unified School District Induction, we promise to provide the highest quality mentoring system and educational experience we can envision for new teachers.

The Induction Learning Cycle is guided by 4 Essential Questions

  1. As teachers, what do we want to know and be able to do?
  2. As teachers, how will we demonstrate that we have mastered essential learning and developed the essential capacities?
  3. As teachers, how will we intervene for students who struggle and enrich the learning for students who are proficient?
  4. As teachers, how can we use the evidence of student learning to improve our individual and collective practice?


What is Induction?

Induction is a 2-year state accredited program which allows you to clear your preliminary credential. You will be match with a mentor who will provide you with a minimum of 4 hrs of support, per month including:

  • Weekly Communication
  • Ongoing Support & Resources
  • Trainings & Professional Development
  • Collaboration

To learn more, please see the resources and FAQ below.


Teacher Induction Resources





TEacher Induction FAQs

  1. What qualifications do I need to participate in the Induction program?

To participate in the IUSD program, you must hold a current preliminary credential (SB2042 or Ryan) and have a class available to assess and teach on a regular basis, and to complete at least one series of lessons each year.

  1. Can a substitute teacher participate in Induction?

It is difficult to participate in an Induction program as a substitute, unless it is in a long-term assignment. We will need assurance from your site administrator that the long term substitute position will last all year and your participation must be approved.

  1. Does Induction cost money?

No.There is no cost to participate in the program through 2025-2026 due to the Educator Effectiveness. The Grant funds will temporarily support the program.

IUSD has also opened the program to private school teachers who would like to clear their credentials for an additional fee.

  1. Can I earn units for Induction?

We partner with local Institutes for Higher Learning (IHE) to allow participants to earn units through the Induction program.  A Professional Growth Application must be completed, signed, and submitted by October 1  or within 60 days of your hie date to IUSD HR if you are interested in applying for units. Three units can be earned per year  for participating in the program and completing Induction requirements.  One additional unit can be earned per year for attending 15 hours of program  Professional Development.  Participants have until Sept. 30 to apply for units completed the previous school year.  These units are available for an additional fee.

  1. Who qualifies for an Early Completion option?

Please review application for details. The steps that will need to occur to receive approval are as follows:

  • The application must be completed by you
  • The Induction staff will verify and review the information
  • The Induction leadership team must observe you in the classroom
  • There will be a discussion between your site administrator and the Induction leadership team
  • The team’s findings will be taken in front of the Induction Advisory Council for review and approval
  1. Does the Induction Program clear my preliminary credential?

Yes, you will have earned your Clear Credential, through your participation  and completion of the IUSD Induction program.

  1. What do I do if my credential will expire before the end of Induction?

The state has provided new teachers with the ability to request an extension for your preliminary credential. Please talk with an IUSD  credentialing technician within 6 months of the expiration date.

  1. Does Induction need to be completed in two consecutive years?

If you are not employed it does not need to be done in consecutive years. If you are employed as a teacher, yes, it needs to be done in consecutive years.

  1. What if I can’t participate in year two at IUSD?

Everything you complete in year one of our Induction program is transferable to other districts if all program requirements have been complete.

  1. Do I have to attend the evening meetings?

It is an expectation of IUSD that all new teachers enrolled in our program will be in attendance at all program meetings.  It is possible to complete the Induction without attending all meetings but if may be more difficult for you to participate in the program. We understand that coaches and teachers who have been hired to do after school activities will occasionally have to miss a meeting due to their employment obligations. Sometimes they coach multiple seasons or supervise after school clubs and do miss more than a couple of meetings. If we can verify that it is due to their job, then it is not held against them to complete the program, but they will not be eligible to earn units. We allow teachers to miss one meeting and still earn all three units. More than one missed meeting is reviewed by the Advisory Council to whether or not the person is fulfilling their professional and program requirements.

  1. Do I find my own mentor?

Induction leadership will assign you a mentor with input from your site administrator. There is no need to recruit a potential mentor.

12.    What do I do if I have a concern with a component of the Induction Program?

Occasionally, a Mentor and Participating Teacher match is not the right fit for one of the participants. If either the Mentor or Participating Teacher believe this is the case, please reach out to the Induction Office by email. Once we are notified, we will set up a time to meet with the participant. If there is not a resolution in which the pairing can continue, we will work with the Participating Teacher or Mentor to pair the Participating Teacher up with another Mentor. We will maintain confidentiality throughout the process. If a Mentor resigns, retires, goes on a Leave of Absence, or is unable to continue mentoring, the Participating Teacher will be notified and reassigned to a mentor with a matching credential.

If you have concerns with another component of the Induction program (completion requirements, process for determining units, etc.) you may complete this form and appropriate steps will be taken to resolve your concern. We will do our best to understand and address your concern while also meeting the CTC requirements for clearing your credential and IUSD’s guidelines for professional development credit. 



