Empowering Student Advocacy in Sacramento

 Student Advocacy Trip 2024

More than 30 IUSD students from Irvine, IVA Secondary, Northwood, Portola, University and Woodbridge high schools, traveled to Sacramento to discuss issues impacting education with state legislators and other influential policymakers. Board Members Cyril Yu, Lauren Brooks, Katie McEwen, Dr. Jeff Kim and Paul Bokota, along with a handful of teachers and PTA representatives accompanied the students.

Students from each high school submitted applications in early January to be chosen for the trip and met weekly for one month leading up to the excursion. 

During the preparation, they met with IUSD Board Members, Superintendent Walker, District leadership, PTA leaders and others to learn more about education issues and priorities, IUSD’s budget, the LCFF and LCAP, Legislative Priorities and gain a better understanding of local and state governing.

Thank you to these student leaders for your insights and impact!

Watch the video below for a recap of the day, courtesy of our very own Dr. Jeff Kim.

Student Advocacy Trip Vlog Thumbnail