African American/Black Community

Welcome to the Irvine Unified School District's (IUSD) web page tailored to parents of African American/Black students! This page aims to provide information responsive to the unique needs of this population. We want parents and students to feel welcome, heard, and understood. We also aim to foster empowerment by providing information and resources geared toward academic success.

Below are links to information and resources to help you stay in the know about the African American/Black community at IUSD. 


hugging family

Population Snap Shot

students in a conference room

Community Resources

High School Students

Parent Workshops

student talking with parent

Mental Health & Wellness

Our vision is to foster a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment where students are

Advanced Learning and Differentiation

School girl using tablet to finish homework

McKinney-Vento & Foster Youth

All school-aged homeless children are entitled to the same free and appropriate public education that is provided to non-homeless students. Schools are required to remove barriers to the enrollment, attendance, and academic success of homeless students.