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It’s being billed as the largest concert fundraiser in the history of Irvine’s public schools.

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The second deadline is coming up for the Irvine Public Schools Foundation's 7th Annual Irvine Dream Stakes Home Raffle. Buy a ticket by this Friday and you’ll be eligible to win the latest early-bird prize – a new 3-Series BMW or, if you prefer, $20,000 cash.

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The City of Irvine will generously provide up to $875,200 in matching funds to help IUSD ease the impacts of larger class sizes next year.

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Brad Van Patten, IUSD’s coordinator of Visual and Performing Arts, recently calculated the number of IUSD students participating in arts festivals, concerts and exhibits between February 1 and June 12, 2010. Turns out, the figures are staggering.
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Attention early birds. Today marks the first deadline for the Irvine Public Schools Foundation’s 7th Annual Irvine Dream Stakes Home Raffle. Those who buy a ticket before 5 p.m.

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The Irvine Public Schools Foundation has announced prizes associated with its 7th Annual Irvine Dream Stakes Home Raffle. We’ll start with the grand prize, which is a 1,445 square-foot home valued at more than $700,000 in a luxury high-rise condominium tower at 3000 The Plaza.

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Got your eye on a new book or movie? Heading to a Barnes & Noble this week or next?

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With a vote on budget reductions two weeks away, the IUSD Board of Education resumed its dialogue over the state fiscal crisis and its impact on our schools at Tuesday night’s meeting.

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The Board of Education's scheduled vote on proposed budget reductions for 2010-11 has been postponed until Tuesday, March 16.