Facilities Planning & Construction Services

The Irvine Unified School District Facilities Planning Department and Construction Services Department work collectively on a variety of projects for the District.  In addition to planning and overseeing the construction of new schools and modernizing existing schools, the departments work closely with the Education Services Department establishing enrollment projections, making recommendations for new schools, establishing attendance boundaries, and accommodating growth at existing schools.

Our Facilities Planning and Construction Services staff works diligently to identify and deliver the best possible learning environments and support facilities for IUSD students, community, and faculty. 

Front of Irvine Unified School District office

Bidder Information & Public Notices

Notices Calling for Bids 


completed projectsSolis Park School 
PHS Site Plan

Facilities Master Plan

Measure E

Measure E was passed by Irvine voters in June 2016 to ensure all st
students with books

IUSD Enrollment

School Boundaries, Enroll in IUSD, Open Enrollments, TK Enrollment, Kinder, Student Records

Facilities Planning & Construction Contacts

Executive Director, Facilities Planning and Construction​ - 