Woodbridge Percussion Ensemble ranked No. 1

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The Woodbridge High School Percussion Ensemble is ranked No. 1 in the nation following a weekend regional competition in Temecula. Performing at the WGI Sport of the Arts Temecula Regional, the Warriors drummed up an impressive score of 95 – even after factoring in a timing penalty. As a result, Woodbridge is ranked 5 points ahead of the second-place school from Nashville, Tenn. The Woodbridge Percussion Ensemble features Sam Allen, Aaron Avazian, Justin Baik, Vidhi Bhatia, Harry Bhatia, Christina Cheon, Phoebe Deans, Alessandra Guiotoko, Robbie Helfman, Elijah Jeong, Helen Kim, Nicole Lee, Andrew Manos, Rudi Massman, Risako Ono, Ben Rempel, Kelly Shin, Katie Son, Kenneth Tran, Joshua Yi and Alyssa Zhou.