Thank you IUSD School Lunch Heroes!

Today, May 6, is the tenth annual School Lunch Hero Day. We appreciate our Nutrition Services staff who serve nutritious meal options for our students each and every day.
School Lunch Hero Day

Today is School Lunch Hero Day and IUSD would like to thank our superhero Nutrition Services team for their hard work and dedication! Through their commitment to serving our students, they help ensure all have access to nutritious breakfasts and lunches. They serve nearly 9500 breakfasts and approximately 17,000 lunches per day! They are truly heroes!

IUSD is committed to providing nutritious meal options for our students. In fact, our menu meets the Healthy School Meal Initiative guidelines for the minimum and maximum percentages of fat, saturated fat, protein, iron, vitamins and calorie requirements for children in grades K - 12. The nutrition services staff work to prepare and serve meals to our students that offer students a variety of fruit and vegetable options, lean proteins, as well as all whole-grain rich wheats in our rice, crusts, and pasta dishes. 

The Nutrition Services web page offers information to our community about our free and reduced price meal program, our District’s health and safety measures and a detailed list of menu items served at our schools.

Nutrition Services
Nutrition Services

Thank you IUSD school lunch heroes!