Sierra Vista Middle School benefiting from student-driven Eagle Scout projects

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Wooden recycling bins are now stationed in the lunch area at Sierra Vista Middle School, thanks to an enterprising student pursuing the Boy Scouts of America’s highest rank. Yash Gupta, a ninth-grader attending Northwood High School, designed and oversaw construction of the blue containers, which feature clearly marked receptacles for plastic, trash and cans. Not only does the effort fulfill the requirements of Yash’s Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project, it also aligns with Sierra Vista’s commitment to conservation and recycling.

“These bins will support recycling by weekend groups who utilize the school, as well as the regular recycling of our student population in support of our Green Team,” Assistant Principal Carlo Grasso said. Sierra Vista’s Green Team is a student-led recycling squad that Yash, 14, was a member of last year. When it came time to tackle his Eagle Scout project, he began looking at how best to support the group’s efforts. Yash said he worked out the design with the assistance of Mr. Grasso before leading a team of approximately 10 scouts on the project. They bought the wood precut and diligently assembled and painted the bins, which will soon be permanently installed. “It feels really good to get my Eagle Scout requirement done while doing something to help my middle school,” Yash said this week. “I’m really glad that it’s actually being put to good use.” For those who haven’t tied on a neckerchief in a while, all Eagle Scout candidates are required to plan and lead a community project that serves others. And in recent years, Sierra Vista has been fortunate enough to benefit from no less than three of these projects. In addition to Yash’s recycling bins, Joon Buhm Huh built wooden shelves for the boys’ locker room to store and organize physical education equipment. His brother, Chang Buhm Huh, built a half-dozen mobile guitar carts for Sierra Vista’s guitar elective. “Apparently, word has already gotten out,” Mr. Grasso said, “as I am in communication with three other scouts at present who wish to do an Eagle  project for Sierra Vista.”