Oak Creek principal follows through on promise to get slimed after successful Jog-a-thon

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Bill Murray got slimed as a Ghostbuster. So did just about everyone who has ever appeared on Nickelodeon. And now you can add Oak Creek Elementary School Principal Carlo Grasso to that distinguished list. On March 8, Grasso found himself drenched in bright green goo during a school-wide assembly in celebration of Oak Creek’s 10th annual Jog-a-thon, which raised more than $40,000 for technology, assemblies, lunchtime activities, health clerk hours and other needs. Keep in mind that this was a voluntary sliming – sort of. The principal had boldly agreed to be the target of the messy stunt if his students reached their fundraising goal of $35,000, and that was pretty much all the motivation they needed.

“He was fantastic,” said Adrienne Krolikowski, a PTA member who co-chaired this year’s Jog-a-thon. “We couldn’t have done it without him. He took one for the team.” Krolikowski said the slime was produced from a recipe found on the Nickelodeon website. Organizers made about 10 gallons of the gooey stuff using water, flour, Jell-O (because there’s always room for Jell-O), baby shampoo and green food coloring. When it was sliming time, the 10 kids who collected the most green -- as in currency -- got to do the honors. “We just had an overwhelming response,” Krolikowski said, “and it was a great day.”