Message from the Superintendent: Mindful March

Mindful March

With only three months left in the school year, schedules tend to become a little busier as families and students balance the many wonderful end-of-the-year activities, events, and celebrations with schoolwork, projects, and exams while making time for family and friends, and beginning to plan for spring break, summer and even next year. It can be a lot to manage!

Although exciting and important, this can be a stressful time for both families and students. Yet, there is also an opportunity to transform this month into Mindful March by being present, finding moments of joy, and making memories that are unique to this special time in your child(ren)’s life. 

I have had the sincere honor of serving students, families, and staff for almost 30 years in IUSD, first as a teacher and now as Superintendent. However, it has been my most important role as a father to four remarkable children that has reminded me how fast this time can go and therefore it's critical to pause, be fully present, and truly savor these special moments with your children and family.

Below are some strategies that may be helpful for your family in fostering a Mindful March.  

  • Check-in with your Child(ren) Regularly: Carving out family time is essential. Building in time to connect and ask how your child(ren) is/are doing can help alleviate stress or pressures for them and give you a better understanding of where they may need support. 
  • Stay Connected to Your School and IUSD: Please do not hesitate to contact your school and teachers if you feel your child needs support.  Also, visit IUSD’s Mental Health and Counseling webpages for a range of supports and services for students and families. 
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Amidst our many responsibilities, setting aside time for self-care is crucial for both students and families. Whether it's mindful practices, a brisk walk, or a few moments of deep breathing, taking care of our mental and physical well-being can significantly impact our ability to handle challenges.
  • Time Management: Families can help students manage their time effectively by creating a balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and downtime for relaxation. If your student is feeling overwhelmed, help them set realistic schedules and have them try breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks.  
  • Practice Gratitude: Take a moment each day to reflect on what you are grateful for. Expressing gratitude can shift focus from stressors to the things we appreciate, fostering a more optimistic and resilient mindset.
  • Connect with Others: Staying connected to family, friends and community is critical for social and emotional wellness. It provides an opportunity to build shared experiences, understanding and support. 

Please know that we are here to support you and your students and we are looking forward to sharing the many exciting and wonderful activities and events these next few months will bring.