Learn how your child can find balance and supports on campus

Wheel of priorities to show student balance

As the school year progresses, students may find themselves juggling various responsibilities—from academics and extracurricular activities to social commitments and family life. This can sometimes feel overwhelming, but finding balance is essential to maintaining both mental and physical health.

  • Track Your Time: Keep a daily or weekly log of how you spend your time. This can help you identify which activities take up most of your day and where you can make adjustments. By understanding your time usage, you can create space for more balanced daily routines.
  • Break Down Big Tasks: For larger projects or homework assignments, break them into smaller, manageable steps. Tackling one piece at a time will make the work feel less overwhelming and help you stay focused. Spreading tasks out over time also allows you to pace yourself and avoid last-minute stress.
  • Avoid Multitasking: While it may seem efficient to juggle multiple tasks at once, it’s more effective to focus on one thing at a time. Concentrating on a single task leads to better outcomes and helps you complete work more quickly and accurately.
  • Learn to Say "No": For students, this might mean deciding not to join an additional club or take on more AP classes. For parents, it could involve prioritizing family time over adding another extracurricular for your child. Saying “no” when necessary can help prevent burnout and maintain a healthy balance between responsibilities and downtime.

While some level of stress is normal, constant stress can take a toll on a student’s overall well-being. It’s important for students to recognize when they’re feeling overwhelmed and seek support from trusted adults. School counselors, mental health staff and teachers are there to provide guidance and help navigate difficult moments.


For more information on mental health and academic support, parents and students are encouraged to visit IUSD’s Counseling Services and Mental Health and Wellness pages. 


For additional tips on managing stress and finding balance, please watch this video from Woodbridge High School’s Counselor, Mrs. Taylor: