IUSD This Week - Nov. 28 to Dec. 2

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Portola High School Received Cox Grant for Aquaponics Portola High School was awarded a $5,000 grant from Cox Communications for its aquaponics program.  Aquaponics is a method of growing fish and plants simultaneously with an interconnected system. Through this project based learning experience students are not only learning about the dynamics of ecosystems, but they are also learning how to work collaboratively in teams to solve a real world problem. 

Each class period has designed, and is currently building, one large aquaponics system based off of research they have completed, including collecting data from smaller systems they have designed and built earlier in the school year.  In January they will be presenting their findings to professionals in the community, ranging from local farmers to the home gardener, on whether switching to aquaponics could positively impact Irvine by utilizing less water and land than traditional farming methods.  The Cox Innovation in Education Grant will be used to purchase supplies so the students can continue to be innovative and take risks as they build and make adjustments to their aquaponics systems to increase water efficiency and plant growth.

Irvine High School Dedicated Student Art Panels
Irvine High School recently hosted a dedication for student artwork that was commissioned by the school’s Student Forum to demonstrate the values of Integrity, Honoring Self and Others, and Social Responsibility.  The artwork is now displayed in the school library.

Northwood High School Annual Food Drive
Northwood High School held its annual food drive for Families Forward.  Each Teacher Advisement group competed to bring the most items.  Mrs. Doan’s group won with 4,600 items.  In total, Northwood High collected a total of 12,000 items to help families in need

College Park Mystery Skype
Mrs. Tyndal's 3rd graders at College Park had a unique geography and social studies lesson. They participated in a Mystery Skype in which the two classes took turns asking and answering yes/no questions to narrow down which state their Mystery class was located in.  Mrs. Tyndal's students used Chromebooks and atlases to learn about U.S geography and to guide them through their process. They were able to successfully reveal that their Mystery Skype was with Mrs. Poppler's 4th grade class at Good Shepherd Catholic School in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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