IUSD Students Recognized for OC Mask Message Contest

OC Health Care Agency Mask Message

The Orange County Health Care Agency recently announced the winners of their Mask Message Contest, which included the following IUSD students:

  • Second Place Elementary Video | Audrey Kim |Santiago Hills Elementary School
  • Second Place Middle School Art | Sarina Zafra | Santiago Hills Elementary School
  • Second Place Middle School Essay | Charlie Kruger | South Lake Middle School  
  • First Place High School Art |Anoushka Khajanchi | Irvine High School

The contest was an online competition that solicited videos, drawings and social media posts created by students across the county to promote mask safety and help inform school communities about ways to slow the spread of COVID-19.  More than 600 entries were submitted from elementary, middle and high school students.

OC Health Care Agency officials expressed that they were overwhelmed by the response and that the “judges were so impressed by the creativity, heart and soul that students poured into their work.”

Schools with winning entries will receive technology grants for Wi-Fi hotspots and more.  Congratulations to our IUSD students and those who participated in this contest!