IUSD Curriculum Council will meet this month to examine district’s homework policies

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So what's your take on homework in Irvine? Is it always a meaningful exercise? Is there too much? Is there not enough? (Students need not answer the latter question.) IUSD’s Curriculum Council, which is comprised of dozens of district educators and students, will spend two days this month engaging local stakeholders in a candid dialogue about the role of homework. In the meantime, staff is in the process of sending out surveys to teachers, students and parents seeking feedback on the subject. Panel discussions during the Feb. 16 and Feb. 23 sessions will include these groups as well. Ultimately, the Curriculum Council plans to recommend parameters for home studies based on research and best practices. Assistant Superintendent Cassie Parham, who oversees Education Services, noted recently that the comprehensive examination of homework aligns with IUSD’s ongoing commitment to continuous improvement. This promises to be a very interesting series of discussions, and we'll have more information as it becomes available.