Individual and group award-winners have been posted from this year's District Science Fair

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Results are in for IUSD's 31st annual District Science Fair, which was held Feb. 29 at University High School.

This year's event, which showcased more than 350 student projects, was once again sponsored by the Broadcom Foundation and supported by the Irvine Public Schools Foundation. If you’d like to see which individuals and groups earned honors, click here. (Update: The Orange County Register has posted photos of the District Science Fair on its website. You can find them here.) Meanwhile, we're told the deadline to register for the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair is March 21. Remember that students must have participated in the District Science Fair and met the following criteria: •   In grades six through eight, only Division Award winners (those who received blue ribbons) may register for the OCSEF. •   In grades nine through 12, students who participated in IUSD’s Science Fair may register for the OCSEF, regardless of whether they won a ribbon. •   Individual and group projects may be submitted for all grades. Best of luck to our local scientists. And for more information, check out the OCSEF website.