As part of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process, which requires school districts to identify annual goals, take action on those goals, and measure progress on academic achievement, school climate and parent engagement, the Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) has engaged stakeholders over a 10-month period for their feedback. In late June, IUSD confirmed new additional state funding of approximately $10 million in ongoing monies and approximately $23 million in one-time funds. In accordance with the LCAP process, IUSD is once again seeking stakeholder feedback about how this additional funding will be used to support the four Irvine Unified School District goals and augment the existing LCAP.
Please take a few minutes to participate in this important survey. Your feedback is an essential resource in determining how IUSD staff and stakeholders can collaborate to create the highest quality educational experience we can envision for our students in the 2015-16 school year. To take the Proposed Additional Investments survey now,
click here. The last day to take the survey is August 9. District Local Control Accountability Plan Goals: Goal #1 - Ensure all students attain proficiency in the current content standards. Goal #2 - Ensure access to rigorous and relevant learning tools, resources, and skills for all staff and students. Goal #3 - Cultivate a positive school culture and system of supports for student personal and academic growth. Goal #4 - Communicate effectively and form strategic alliances to secure the support and resources necessary to deliver our vision. For the LCAP and budget presentation, click here or visit our LCAP page for more information. A summary of updated actions of the 2015-18 LCAP can be viewed by clicking here. Your engagement, partnership and support continues to enable IUSD to best serve our students. Thank you.