Digital resources are an important part of IUSD's commitment to providing the highest quality educational experience for our students. IUSD partners with educational software providers to provide personalized and engaging curriculum for students. As our world evolves, new digital services are created to facilitate student learning. Coding, stop-animation, and three-dimensional printing provide IUSD students with innovative, hands-on learning environments. Adaptive online assessments help teachers address the individual needs of each child. Collaborative tools allow students to problem-solve in an environment that mirrors what they will experience in college and their professional lives. Videos and other online media help students make connections between subjects taught in school and current events.
At IUSD, we are excited to offer these resources to our students and their families. We are committed to ensuring our students' safety and privacy online. Our District-adopted software programs meet a high standard for quality content and student online safety. For more information about IUSD's technology safety efforts, visit our Privacy and Digital Citizenship pages.
The District-contracted software providers listed below have agreed to protect student data and ensure that their platforms meet State (AB-1584 and California Education Code section 49073.1) and Federal (FERPA) legal requirements and IUSD policy regarding data privacy. Please keep in mind that the list below includes digital resources that may be used throughout the District in different settings and capacities. If you would like information about which specific programs will be used in your student's classroom please reach out to your child's school.
*Staff and/or student accounts managed by IT.
Title | Description |
5-Star Students | 5 Star Students provides we-based services for elections, surveys, and events. |
7 Mindsets | 7 Mindsets provides a web-based K-12 SEL curriculum aligned solution. |
99Pledges | 99Pledges* provides a digital platform that enables parents to make donations as part of a school sponsored event. |
Abdo Publishing | Abdo Publishing provides digital solutions for libraries and classroom, including board books, picture books, interactive books, apps, audio and databases. |
Accelerate Education | Accelerate Education provides advanced placement courses. |
Accelerate Learning | Accelerate Learning* provides STEMscopes science curriculum. |
Achieve | Achieve provides online assessment tools and digital library. |
ACT | ACT provides the Pre-ACT to IUSD students. |
Adobe | Adobe provides document editing and Creative Cloud software. |
Aeries Software | Aeries Software* is a student information system and notification platform. |
ALEKS | ALEKS is an adaptive, online math program backed by rigorous research and driven by powerful AI. |
Amira | Amira is an AI assisted reading screener. |
Apple School Manager | Apple School Manager is a mobile device management solution for Apple devices. |
ASBWorks | ASBWorks is an ASB Fund Management system. |
AthleticClearance | AthleticClearance is used for filling out registration for athletic clearance. |
AVID | AVID provides classroom activities, teaching practices, and academic behaviors that can be incorporated into any classroom to improve engagement and success for all students. |
Banzai | Banzai is a web-based platform which provides access to educational games for the development of student financial literacy. |
Balfour | Balfour provides school portraits, and/or yearbooks. |
Bark Technologies | Bark Technologies provides cloud based online safety tools. |
Benchmark Education | Benchmark Education* is the online content for the English language arts textbook in grades 3-5. Students can access this through Clever. |
Blocksi | Blocksi* is a classroom management and student online safety solution. |
Blooket | Blooket is a web based review and assessment platform. |
Bloomz | Bloomz is a free communication tool for teachers to engage parents. |
Book Creator | Book Creator is a digital tool that enables students to create and read multimodal digital books. |
BookShare | BookShare is the world's largest library for people with print disabilities. Literary works are provided in specialized formats exclusively for use by students with qualifying disabilities. |
Boom Learning | Boom Learning provides interactive learning games with progress tracking features for teachers and parents. |
Brainly | Brainly provides a multi-subject homework assistance platform. |
BrainPOP | BrainPOP is a database of instructional videos, content and interactive activities. |
Brisk Labs | Brisk Labs provides an AI extension for Google Chrome to automate lesson planning. (13+) |
Breakout EDU | Breakout EDU provides a standards-aligned educational game platform. |
Breezin' Thru | Breezin' Thru provides formative assessment tools to improve music students' learning. |
Business U | Business U provides a small business management curriculum. |
Byrdseed | Byrdseed provides an online database of lesson plans to improve student learning objectives. |
Cal-PASS | Cal-PASS provides actionable data to help improve student success along the education-to-workforce pipeline. |
California Colleges Guidance Initiative (CCGI) | California Colleges Guidance Initiative (CCGI) provides platform for students to utilize transcript data to monitor their CSU/UC eligibility, research colleges, and access career inventories. |
California Youth Services | California Youth Services provides the JADE program to support at-risk students |
Cambridge University Press | Cambridge University Press provides Latin textbooks and e-books. |
Cantrell Photography | Cantrell Photography provides school portraits, and/or yearbooks. |
Canva | Canva provides a platform to create graphics and presentations. |
Canvas | Canvas* is Irvine Unified's online course management solution (CMS). It is used for announcements, document storage, assignments, and discussions. |
Care Solace | Care Solace coordinates distance counseling services for students and staff. |
Carnegie Learning | Carnegie Learning provides math and foreign language curriculum. |
CDWG | CDWG provides Google Audit services to ensure a safe and reliable Workspace. |
Cengage | Cengage provides students with Science, Math, and History Social Science databases. |
Check Point Software | Check Point Software provides cloud security services. |
Checkology | Checkology provides a web-based platform that provides engaging lessons to teach students media literacy. |
Cheng & Tsui, Inc. | Cheng & Tsui provide textbooks and audio for Integrated Chinese. | | provides a safe and friendly site where kids can learn and play chess. |
Chipp.AI | Chipp.AI provides a digital platform where teachers can develop their own AI-powered educational tools. |
CHOC | CHOC provides student wellness centers. |
Chrome Gopher | Chrome Gopher manages district technology devices. |
ClassCraft | ClassCraft provides SEL curriculum aligned educational games. |
Clever | Clever* is a software dashboard for access to the following applications: Benchmark, Lexia, HMHCore, SpringBoard, Typing Agent, Office 365, OverDrive, Destiny, GoMath, and Encyclopedia Britannica. |
CMU Computer Science Academy | CMU Computer Science Academy provides a free online computer science curriculum and professional development. |
Class Companion | Class Companion gives students AI tutoring and instant feedback to increase engagement and outcomes. |
Clicker Writer | Clicker Writer provides writing support for all English learning levels. | | provides a free computer science curriculum and support products. |
CodeHS | CodeHS provides a web-based computer science curriculum. |
Codio | Codio provides a digital platform where students may explore a digital computer science curriculum. |
CommonLit | CommonLit provides literacy resources and progress tracking tools. |
Computer Sports Medicine, Inc. | Computer Sports Medicine provides tracking for athletic demographics. |
Conjuguemos | Conjuguemos provides on online educational games and guided practice for students of foreign languages. |
CPM Educational Program | CPM Educational Program provides ebooks and digital resources. |
Creator Studio | Creator Studio provides Google add-on support to create GIFs out of images for slideshows and presentations. |
CViConnect Pro | CVI Connect Pro provides visually accessible educational materials for learners with CVI via application and browser based platform. |
Dacast | Dacast provides live streaming services. |
Dash and Dot Robots | Dash and Dot Robots are free applications that teach coding and computer science concepts. |
DBQ Project | DBQ Project* provides document based question instructional strategies. |
Delta Math | Delta Math* provides digital math curriculum. |
Desmos Math | Desmos Math is a free tool that provides digital math tools, classroom activities, additional lesson resources, and expanded dashboard tools. |
Destiny | Destiny* is a library/textbook/resource website that contains collection catalogs and connects students and staff to books, information and resources. |
Diffit | Diffit provides an AI tool to assist teachers in creating engaging lesson plans. (18+) |
Digital Theatre | Digital Theatre* is a performing arts educational platform. |
Discovery Education | Discovery Education provides digital educational content. |
DocNetwork, Inc. | DocNetwork, Inc. provides electronic health record and registration software. |
Doctopus | Doctopus is a free Google add-on that scaffolds, manages, organizes and assesses student projects on Google Drive. |
Document Tracking Services | Document Tracking Services assists with reporting. |
Don Johnston Co:Writer Universal | Don Johnston Co:Writer Universal uses grammar and vocabulary-smart word prediction to help students better express their ideas in writing across devices. |
DreamBox | Dreambox Learning provides digital math curriculum. |
eFoodHandlers | eFoodHandlers provides food safety training classes. |
Edgenuity | Edgenuity provides courses, curriculum, personalized learning and virtual instruction. |
Edmentum | Edmentum provides standard aligned digital curriculum that supports in-class and virtual learning. |
EdPuzzle | EdPuzzle provides free video editing tools and student progress analytics. | | provides access to a web-base library of supplemental math and reading resources. |
Ellevation | Ellevation provides data management and analytics for English Learner programs. |
Email Notifications for Google Forms | Email Notifications for Google Forms is a free Google add-on that shares data to collaborators. |
Emotional ABC's | Emotional ABC's provides a full Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum and resources for teachers and counselors. |
EMS Linq | EMS Linq* is a nutrition management system. |
Encyclopedia Britannica School | Encyclopedia Britannica School* is a general reference database for Elementary, Middle, and High School. It contains encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research and reinforce curriculum standards. To access this product from home, please contact your library staff. |
Epic! | Epic! provides a free digital library. |
Epic Korean | Epic Korean provides textbooks, workbooks, and teacher's edition for Korean language study. |
Equal Opportunity Schools | Equal Opportunity Schools assists students in enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) courses. |
Electude | Electude provides LV essentials for automotive programs. |
ESGI | ESGI provides a 1:1 progress monitoring platform. |
EverFi | EverFi provides free digital curriculum designed to engage students at all grade levels and bring real-world skills to the classroom. |
Explore American History | Explore American History provides history curriculum. |
Facilitron | Facilitron provides facilities rental, scheduling, management and work order system. |
FilmED Academy of the Arts | FilmED Academy of the Arts trains students to produce, film, edit and deliver a weekly broadcast, creative film festival projects and live feed multi-camera events. |
Flextime | Flextime provides attendance software that tracks attendance for tutorial periods and/or appointments. |
FlipGrid | FlipGrid provides a video-discussion platform for students and educators. |
Flocabulary | Flocabulary utilizes resources to engage students and increase achievement. |
Formative | Formative provides a web and app based tool for recording student responses and assessing student engagement. |
Freckle Education | Freckle Education is a free differentiation platform with inquiry based components to Math, ELA, and Social Studies. |
Friesens | Friesens provides yearbook and portrait services. |
Fusion360 | Fusion360 provides design and modeling software. |
Geogebra | Geogebra is a free dynamic mathematics software. |
Gimkit | Gimkit provides a web based game show application and assessment tool. |
Gizmos | Gizmos* provides an online interactive platform for science labs. |
Goalbook | Goalbook provides resources and professional development to empower teachers to identify student goals aligned to standards. |
Goobric | Goobric is a free Google add-on that assists Doctopus with rubric-based assessments. |
Google Workspace | Google Workspace* is a suite of productivity applications that Google offers to schools and educational institutions. It consists of Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Google Drawing, Google Sites, Google Classroom and Google Drive. |
Grammarly | Grammarly provides a cloud-based typing assistant. (13+) |
Handwriting Heros | Handwriting Heros provides handwriting support. |
Handwriting Without Tears | Handwriting Without Tears* is curriculum designed to aid students in learning how to write. |
Hanover Research | Hanover Research supports curriculum and instruction practices. |
Health-e Pro | Health-e Pro provides menu planning services for IUSD's nutrition department. |
Heartland | Heartland to provides a payment processing solution. |
Heggerty | Heggerty provides digital curriculum materials to improve literacy scores and student's phonological awareness. |
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co. | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing provides curriculum for high school students. |
Herff Jones | Herff Jones provides photography and yearbook services. |
Illuminate | Illuminate* is an online assessment program. |
Imagine Learning | Imagine Learning provides Imagine Math Facts and Language software license. |
Impact Applications | Impact Applications is the maker of ImPACT® (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing). |
Infobase | Infobase provides free video content databases. |
HUDL | Hudl provides live-stream services for athletics. |
Informed K12 | Informed K12 provides electronic document routing services. |
Integral | Integral provides an app for tracking bell schedule and providing a bird’s eye view for all on-campus events & extracurricular resources. |
Integrated Math | Integrated Mathematics* is the online textbook series for middle school and high school students enrolled in Math I, Math II, Math III, Enhanced Math I, Enhanced Math II, Enhanced Math III, Algebra, and Geometry. Access to this textbook is through Clever |
iPost | iPost delivers high-speed internet and a fixed camera integration, enabling live coverage, of various regional sports programs. |
iReady | iReady* provides math curriculum. |
IPSF | IPSF provides community and corporate funding in support of public education and the management of educational and child development programs. |
Irvine Police Department | Irvine Police Department may be provided access to student data to assist in emergency situations. |
IXL | IXL provides diagnostic resources to support at-risk students. |
Jostens | Jostens provides school portraits, and/or yearbooks. |
Journeys | Journeys* is the online content for the ELA textbook in grades K-2. Students can access this through Clever. |
Just Play | Just Play team app engages athletes with interactive content built with specially designed coaching tools. |
Kahoot! | Kahoot! is an online game-based learning platform. |
Kaltura | Kaltura Video* repository for online video management, creation, and collaboration for teachers. is based off of this platform. |
Kami | Kami provides PDF annotation software. |
Kate Noelle Photography | Kate Noelle Photography provides sports photos, school portraits, and/or yearbooks. |
Kelvin Pulse | Kelvin Pulse administers web based surveys in support of state sponsored grant programs. |
Khan Academy | Khan Academy* provides instructional resources that empower learners to study a variety of subject areas at their own pace. |
KiwiWrite | KiwiWrite is a web-based application that gives students an on-screen interface to write math equations on their computers or tablets. |
Kodable | Kodable is a free online programming curriculum platform. |
KWALL | KWALL provides hosting and design services for the IUSD website. |
Learning A-Z | Learning A-Z provides online reading and literacy resources and tools for Extended Learning. |
Learning Genie | Learning Genie provides portfolio, assessment and analytical reporting modules. |
Legends of Learning | Legends of Learning provides curriculum-alligned math and science games. |
Lexia Core5 | Lexia Core 5* provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in areas of reading instruction. |
Lexia English | Lexia English designed to help students acquire higher language proficiency levels of English. |
Lexia PowerUp Literacy | Lexia PowerUp Literacy designed to enhance core English Language Arts instruction for non-proficient readers. |
Lexia Voyager Sopris | Lexia Voyager Sopris provides Step Up to Writing and V Math to support student learning. |
Lifetouch Photography | Lifetouch Photography provides school portraits, and/or yearbooks. |
Lightbox | Lightbox provides a multimedia educational space. |
Littera Education | Littera Education provides virtual tutoring. |
Mackin Via | Mackin Via* is a complete digital resource management system to house, manage, and provide easy access to digital resources for students. |
Magic School | Magic School provides AI writing tools to assist educators in crafting engaging lessons. |
Managed Methods | Managed Methods provides a cloud security platform designed to manage G Suite and Office 365 security. |
Marathon Kids | Marathon Kids provides a free physical activity tracking platform. |
McGraw Hill | McGraw Hill* offers digital educational materials for a wide variety of subjects. |
mCLASS | mCLASS is an all-in-one system for Science of Reading-based universal screening, dyslexia screening, progress monitoring, and instruction |
MDTP | MDTP is a formative assessment that promotes student readiness and success. |
Moozoom | Moozoom provides a standards alligned Social and Emotional Learning curriculum via web-based movie platform. |
Microsoft | Microsoft to provide operating software. |
MyMath | MyMath* is the online content for the math textbook in grades K-2. |
MyMathLab | MyMathLab is a collection of online homework, tutorial, and assessment products that reacts to how students perform, offering data-driven guidance |
MyShakespeare | MyShakespeare provides acess to a free archive of Shakespeare's work and support materials. |
N2Y | N2Y (News-2-You) provides curriculum designed to students with special needs can access general education curriculum. |
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test | The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test is adminstered to avaluate the general, non-verbal ability of all third-grade students as part of the GATE program identification process. |
Naviance | Naviance* is the college and career readiness software. Through Naviance, counselors help guide students in exploring career and college options and the path to achieving these goals. Naviance is also a way for counselors to communicate with parents about the process of career and college exploration using a variety of tools. |
Navigate360 | Navigate360 provides a digital PBIS rewards platform that helps build a school culture that values respect, responsibility, and academic excellence. |
Nearpod | Nearpod* is an interactive linear presentation tool. Teachers can insert formative assessments and gather real time feedback on student progress . Students can go on virtual field trips, create drawings, collaborate with peers, investigate 3D models and more, all while the teacher controls the pace and content. |
Newsela | Newsela publishes high-interest news and nonfiction articles daily at five levels of complexity. |
Nitro Type | Nitro Type provides free, multiplayer car racing game that engages students in typing practice. |
NoodleTools | NoodleTools is a product that has Integrated tools for note-taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing. |
NoRedInk | NoRedInk provides differentiated, adaptive, and engaging grammar curriculum for students. |
Noteflight | Noteflight is an online music notation software. |
NurseNotes | NurseNotes provides software for administering state mandated vision and hearing tests. |
Office 365 | Office 365 Education* is an online suite of Office products. Families of students can also install the local version on up to 5 PCs or Macs (directions). |
Okta | Okta provides identity management services. |
OnShape | OnShape provides computer-aided collaboration between students and educators. |
Otis-Lennon Ability Test | The Otis-Lennon Ability Test is an optional test that assesses abilities that relate to success in school. |
Ott-O-Matic | Ott-O-Matic provides the Google Add-ons Slip-in-Slide, Slide Randomizer, and Voice Recorder. |
OverDrive | OverDrive* is an lending platform through which IUSD users can borrow high-interest fiction/non-fiction titles in ebook format. |
Packback | Packback is on online discussion platform with an instructional-AI component to assist students in developing strong writing skills. |
Padlet | Padlet provides a free application to create an online bulletin board that educators and students can use to display information. |
Panorama | Panorama provides a social and emotional learning assessment system. |
Paper | Paper* offers access to qualified tutors through an online program. |
Parchment | Parchment provides transcript fulfillment services requested by current and former IUSD students. |
ParentSquare | ParentSquare is a school-to-home communications platform. |
Pear Assessment (formerly Edulastic) | Pear Assessment (formerly Edulastic) is a versatile platform that combines ease-of-use with the customization required to deploy common assessments at scale. |
Pear Deck | Pear Deck provides a free service that allows teachers to create slide shows with interactive slides. |
Penda Learning | Penda Learning provides a gamified digital science curriculum for grades 3–high school via a web-based platform. |
Pictures with Class | Pictures with Class provides school portraits, and/or yearbooks. |
Pixton | Pixton is a comic and avatar maker for the classroom |
Playlab | Playlab provides a digital platform where teachers can develop their own AI-powered educational tools. |
PLT4M | PLT4M provides curriculum material for virtual PE courses. |
PowerSchool Group | PowerSchool Group (formerly Hoonuit and Naviance) provides professional services in community demographic analysis and enrollment projections. |
Premier Studios | Premier Studios provides photography and yearbook services. |
Prezi | Prezi provides a web-based tool for creating presentations. |
Prodigy | Prodigy is a standard aligned math and english educational game. |
Project Lead The Way | Project Lead The Way provides training and materials for teachers to implement standards aligned STEM curriculum in the classroom. |
Project Read AI | Project Read AI provides the Project Read App (does not include the AI Tutor product). |
Project STEM | Project STEM provides web based computer science courses and programs. |
ProQuest | ProQuest* provides free access to journals, databases and ebook resources. |
Q Global | Q Global provides a web-based system for administering, scoring, and reporting on many of Pearson's assessments. |
Quaver | Quaver provides a digital curriculum for the PreK-8 general music classroom |
Quill | Quill is a free literacy tool powered. |
Quiver Vision | Quiver Vision is a free coloring app |
QuiVX | QuiVX provides a document review software for records requests. |
Quizizz | Quizizz provides a platform to find and create quizzes, presentations, and flashcards. |
Ramsey Education | Ramsey provides consumer mathematics and financial principles curriculum for middle and high school students. |
Raptor | Raptor* provides a volunteer and visitor management system for school sites. |
Read 180 Universal | Read 180 Universal* is a reading intervention program available to middle and high school sites. The program utilizes a blended learning model, incorporating small-group, teacher-led instruction and adaptive technology, to accelerate learning for struggling readers. |
ReadWorks | ReadWorks provides a digital library of more than 5,600 texts and resources. |
Read Live | Read Live is a free research-based reading intervention. |
Read&Write | Read&Write is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work. |
Reading Eggs | Reading Eggs is a free online reading support platform that provides educational games and lessons. |
REFLEX SITE | REFLEX SITE provides Reflex and Frax services. |
Regents of the University of California | Regents of the University of California provide access to Compass platform which provides transcript review services for IUSD high school students. |
Remind101 is a notification system for teachers to send messages to students and parents offered by ParentSquare. | |
Renaissance Learning | Renaissance Learning* provides Accelerated Reader, Star Math, and Star Reading: computer-adaptive assessments. |
REPu Sports | REPu Sports provides a digital platform for schools to promote athletics, consisting of a Content Management System, a public facing website, and a public facing mobile application. |
Roxxem | Roxxem provides song-based lessons and games for foreign language students. |
SageModeler | SageModeler provides free, web-based systems dynamics modeling tool for middle and high school students to construct dynamic models. |
San Joaquin County Office of Education | San Joaquin County Office of Education provides CEDR Systems to help maintain Sepcial Education Information. |
Sandy Hook Promise | Sandy Hook Promise provides the Say Something anonymous reporting system. |
Savvas Learning Co | Savvas Learning Co* provides digital educational material for a wide variety of subjects. |
Sched | Sched provides event creation, planning, organization, scheduling, and management services. |
Scholastic | Scholastic provides digital education materials. |
SchoolAI | SchoolAI provides an AI writing assistant to help teachers create engaging lessons for students. |
Screencastify | Screencastify* provides a free screencasting tool for Google Chrome that allows staff to screencast and edit videos |
Seesaw Learning | Seesaw* provides student portfolios with a comprehensive records of student learning. |
SightReadingFactory | SightReadingFactory provides online music sight reading capabilities. |
SKIES | SKIES provides a web based resource for teachers to create and share interactive lessons. |
SlidesAI | SlidesAI provides AI-tool to convert text documents into slides. |
Smart Music | Smart Music is a web-based music education platform that connects teachers and students. |
SmartPass | SmartPass provides hall pass issuing and monitoring software. |
Snap & Read Universal | Snap & Read Universal reads aloud accessible and inaccessible text, simplifies difficult vocabulary, and translates English into other languages. |
Snap! Mobile | Snap! Mobile provides an online fundraising platform and user-friendly mobile app. |
Sno Sites | Sno Sites provides School Newspapers Online, WordPress websites and mobile apps for journalism programs. |
Snorkl | Snorkl provides access to a web-based generative AI tool which provides feedback on students' work. |
SOCCCD | South Orange County Community College District provides approved curriculum for IUSD students in grades 9-12. |
Socrative | Socrative is a free app that provides an assessment platform. |
South Coast Photographic | South Coast Photographic provides school portraits, and/or yearbooks. |
Sphero | Sphero provides programable robots and software. |
SpringBoard | SpringBoard is a digital Math and ELA curriculum |
ST Math | ST Math* helps students develop a deep conceptual understanding by manipulating visual models to solve problems. |
STAR Autism | STAR Autism provides digital curriculum. |
Starfall Education | Starfall Education provides online math and language activities. |
Storyboard That | Storyboard That provide web-based tools to create storyboards, worksheets, and graphic organizers. |
Student Tracker | Student Tracker provides administrator support in areas of compliance. |
Studies Weekly | Studies Weekly* provides textbooks and online resources. |
StudySync | StudySync* is the online content for the ELA textbook in grades 6-8. Students can access this through the ConnectED link in Canvas. |
Sumner Photography | Sumner Photography provides school portraits, and/or yearbooks. |
Sutori | Sutori provides a collaborative presentation tool. |
Teacher's Curriculum Institute | Teacher's Curriculum Institute* provides digital educational material for history/social science and science. |
Teachers Pay Teachers | Teachers Pay Teachers is a digital platform where educators can access support materials across multiple subjects. |
Tinkercad | Tinkercad provides 3D and Electronic Design product. |
TouchChat | TouchChat provides students who cannot speak with a means to communicate. |
Transperfect | Transperfect provides translation services for school meetings. |
Travel Tracker | Travel Tracker manages school transportation. |
Tree Ring | Tree Ring provides school portraits and/or yearbooks. |
Turnitin | Turnitin* is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service. |
Twig Education | Twig Education* provides science curriculum. |
Tynker | Tynker is a free online coding curriculum to teach computer science. | | is a free web-based typing skills games. |
Typing Agent | Typing Agent* is a web-based keyboarding application that students can use for learning and practicing keyboarding skills. |
Ultra Fun Run | Ultra Fun Run provides a digital platform to support fundraisers. |
Vista Higher Learning | Vista Higher Learning publishes a variety of instructional materials. |
Vital Link Education | Vital Link Education is a free virtual college and career fair for students. |
VolunShare | VolunShare provides volunteer hour tracking system for students. |
Voting 4 Schools | Voting 4 Schools is a web based application for online voting that can be used for school wide elections or nominations. |
WestEd | WestEd provides access to NASA GLOBE Mission Earth STEM curriculum and materials. |
Wiley | Wiley specific published textbooks and digital educational materials. |
Wrkxfmly | Working Assumptions Foundation provides online photography curriculum. |
W.W. North & Company | W.W. Norton & Company provides digital curriculum. |
XtraMath | XtraMath is an online math fact fluency program that helps students develop quick recall and automaticity of basic math facts. |
Zearn | Zearn provides free web-based Math support. |
Zendesk | Zendesk provides a help desk platform. |
In addition the software programs listed on the previous tab, students may access other websites and software that provide essential creative tools and learning resources. IUSD may provide very limited student information to these providers (including the student’s username) to allow students to access curriculum and complete assignments. Although these providers have not signed a privacy agreement specific to IUSD, they adhere to similar standards for educational use of their products. Additionally, our staff takes steps to limit data that is shared and filter content on these platforms to ensure students are safe online. These programs enrich classroom activities and offer learning resources that support IUSD students in a variety of content areas. More information about these programs and their privacy terms are available are listed below.
Title | Use and Privacy Terms |
YouTube | YouTube offers videos that support learning in a variety of ways. IUSD filters YouTube content to limit student access to appropriate videos. |
Google Additional Services | Google Additional Services (Such as Google Play, Google Maps, and Google Translate) are used in a variety of ways to supplement curriculum and educational activities on students' Chromebooks. |
California Student Aid Commission | California Student Aid Commission allows IUSD students to apply for financial aid. |
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. | Zoom provides web conferencing. |
IUSD has adopted the National Student Data Privacy Agreement (CA - NDPA) as our preferred standard for protecting student privacy. The CA-NDPA requires software and curriculum providers to keep student information secure and limits providers' use of the information to the specific educational purpose permitted by the District. The agreement prohibits targeted advertising and unauthorized sharing of student data. For more information about the CA-NDPA and statewide efforts related to Student Data Privacy, please visit the California Student Privacy Alliance Resource Site.