Academic Interventions & Support

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) 

MTSS in Irvine Unified School District is a systematic process that helps schools align resources, programs, and supports to meet the needs of all students. MTSS is guided by a shared belief that all students can learn at high levels and a collective responsibility to ensure that every student is successful. Through a systematic process based on assessment and data students are matched to increasingly intensive supports that meet their needs in all areas. This framework not only allows for decisions to be made about individual students, it is also used to drive decision-making across all levels of the school.

Currently, school sites have an MTSS team committed to the development and implementation of an MTSS framework at their site. 

California Dept. of Education MTSS Website

Academic Interventions

A well designed MTSS framework includes multiple tiers of instruction and supports to meet the needs of all students within the school.  These tiers increase in intensity, providing a continuum of supports that is flexible, differentiated, ongoing, and targeted to the specific needs of each student. 

A variety of intervention programs are available in English Language Arts and Mathematics from kindergarten through grade 12. Please contact your child’s school to learn more about the specific programs available to support students. 


Intervention programs

Parent Academic Resources

English Language Arts

  • Sora/OverDrive is an IUSD digital library with high interest fiction and non-fiction digital options. This application has the option to add Orange County Public Libraries to a student school account so they may access the Sora Juvenile and Young Adult digital collection through OCPLs. 
  • MackinVia allows access to your school’s high interest digital library. MackinVia also serves as a portal to access the ComicsPlus Database, a collection of graphic novels and comic books.
  • Newsela is an education website focused on building student reading comprehension by providing high-quality news articles. Families can read articles together, discuss current events, ask questions, and make connections. Encouraging young readers to choose topics of interest helps strengthen their love for reading and learning.
  • Graphic Organizers are visual thinking tools. Pairing a graphic organizer with your child’s reading will help to demonstrate relationships between facts, concepts, ideas while guiding thinking.
  • StudySync is our middle school English Language Arts curriculum. Parents may access the digital content through their child’s log in.

History-Social Science



  • Milestones These videos share what math success will look like by the end of the school year. 
  • Math Fundamentals for Middle School - Khan Academy Lessons This intervention resource has been designed to support Middle School students with targeted lessons that are most commonly needed by students needing support with middle school math concepts.
  • SpringBoard Digital Curriculum Parents may access the SpringBoard digital curriculum through their child’s login to Clever.  
    • To support families in logging in to their child’s account:  How to Log In to Springboard
      • Families please note: Please check with your child to see if their teacher is using the digital curriculum associated with Springboard.