Eligibility for free transportation shall be based on the Irvine Unified School District income eligibility scale. At the beginning of the school year and whenever a new student is enrolled, parents/guardians may request information about free transportation eligibility standards, application procedures and appeal procedures.

All applications and records related to eligibility for free transportation shall be confidential and opened only for purposes directly connected with the free transportation program.

Students receiving free transportation shall not be identified by the use of special passes, tickets, lines, seats or any other means. They shall be treated in no way differently from other students, nor shall their names be published, posted or announced in any manner or used for any purpose other than the transportation program.

Recipients of Aid for Families with Dependent Children may use their monthly Medi-Cal or other subsidized insurance card to assist them in the application process.

Fee Schedule

Unless exempted, the parents/guardians of students transported to and from school shall be charged fees in accordance with Board-approved schedules.

Passes and tickets will be sold at the Transportation Office. No money will be collected on the bus.

Families with more than two bus-riding students shall be entitled to purchase the third child's pass at a reduced charge.

Extracurricular Activity Trips

Unless exempted, the parents/guardians of students participating in extracurricular activities shall be charged fees, in accordance with Board-approved schedules, to help offset the cost of related transportation. Board-approved schedules shall take into consideration the actual costs of providing transportation for the specific extracurricular activity. No student shall be denied participation in extracurricular activities based on an inability to pay for transportation expenses. No student shall be required to utilize district-provided transportation unless safety considerations dictate otherwise.

Revised: January 2003