The Board of Education is responsible for ensuring that proper attention is paid to the safety of students.

Although the District is not liable for the safety of students who are not under school supervision, the District can, and does, hold students accountable for their behavior from the time they leave their homes for school until they return to their homes from school, on the playground and during recess, and while they are on school premises and/or under supervision of school district personnel.

Principals, teachers, and bus drivers are responsible for the conduct and safety of students from the time they come under school supervision until they leave school supervision, whether on school premises or not.

A minor student shall not be permitted to leave school in the custody of a person other than the student’s legal parent/guardian, unless that person has the verified authorization of the legal parent (s)/guardian.

It is the responsibility of the principal to provide for adequate supervision of playgrounds and other school facilities at all times they are in use by students, during the school day or at school sponsored activities. Special attention should be given to the prevention of accidents and to the development of habits of good citizenship.

The school day for the student is defined as from 15 minutes prior to the student’s first class until 10 minutes after the conclusion of the student’s last class. Parents/guardians are not to deliver their student to school prior to 15 minutes before the start of school or leave them at school longer than 10 minutes after the end of the school day, unless prior approval is given by the school principal or designee. Students attending an Irvine school on an interdistrict attendance agreement who violate the defined school day will have their interdistrict attendance agreement canceled.

Policy adopted: April 7, 1987

Administrative Regulation
