The Board of Education recognizes the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of personal information and, therefore, authorizes the release of or access to such information only in accordance with law and Board Policy.

The Superintendent or designee may release student directory information, as defined in administrative regulations, to representatives of law enforcement, public safety agencies, military services, the news media and school-affiliated organizations in accordance with administrative regulations, unless the parent requests in writing that such information be kept confidential.

Upon request of a California school district to which a former Irvine Unified School District pupil has transferred, the cumulative records shall be forwarded to that district. Registration cards, report cards and other records shall be maintained by the school principal, according to Administrative Code (Title V) requirements.

For students who have left the District, but whose cumulative records have not been requested by another district, the records will be stored and microfilmed in accordance with existing records retention procedures.

The recording of data into, or access to a teacher's grade book record or other form of student record, shall be limited to those District employees that have direct responsibility for creating the record or have justifiable access to the record based on their assigned responsibility.

Policy Adopted: April 9, 1973
Policy Revised: June 3, 2003
Policy Revised: June 27, 2006

See Also:

Board Policy 1113 - District Websites
Board Policy 1114: District-Sponsored Social Media
Board Policy 4040 - Employee Use of Technology
Board Policy 5022: Student and Family Privacy Rights
Board Policy 6163.4 - Student Use of Technology

Administrative Regulation 5125: Pupil Records
Administrative Regulation 1210: Parent Involvement
