Leave shall be granted an employee requesting absence for maternity leave. Length of maternity leave shall be based on the recommendation of the physician in charge of delivery.
Submit Request for Leave of Absence, together with a physician's (or recognized practitioner's) confirmation of pregnancy to the supervising administrator. (Request should be submitted no later than the fifth month of pregnancy. Confidentiality will be maintained at employee requests.)
The application shall be forwarded to Human Resources for processing and submission to the Board of Education.
Use of sick leave, if requested by the employee, shall begin on the first day of maternity leave and shall continue until all accumulated sick leave has been used, unless otherwise requested by the employee.
When all accumulated sick leave has been exhausted, the employee may request differential pay for a period not to exceed six weeks postpartum for a normal delivery, or eight weeks postpartum for a cesarean birth.
Failure of the employee to notify Human Resources, or to return to work on the dates specified in the leave of absence shall result in loss of contract/employment.