This regulation represents the formalization of processes already defined in existing policy 43 l 2.1.

This regulation is intended to provide a process to:

  • Enhance the quality, clarity and timeliness of communication between the Board of Education and the district management team

  • Clarify the responsibilities and rights of management team members

  • Extend opportunities to management team members to attain enhanced levels of professional knowledge and skills

  • Expand opportunities for participation by management team members in decision-making

  • Maintain high levels of morale, organizational effectiveness and efficiency, and promote equitable opportunity

The Irvine Administrators Association (IAA) shall annually appoint a Meet to Confer Committee. Such committee shall be established by the IAA Executive Board. This Committee will, by agreed upon timelines and IAA membership direction, "Meet to Confer" with School Board designee(s) on matters including, but not limited to:

  1. administrative responsibilities and rights

  2. administrative professional development

  3. administrative compensation

  4. administrative personnel procedures

  5. strategic planning and decision-making.

Administrative Compensation (Stipends): Additional administrative compensation in the form of a stipend requires prior approval of the Superintendent or designee.

Revised: August 11, 2006